Tuesday 2 September 2008

Poll to Poll...

 How much do we know about Sarah Palin, Republican candidate for vice president of the United States of America, and possibly soon  to be the most powerful woman on the planet? Well, she's a hard-line social conservative, pro-life, devout Christian, former beauty queen and sometime sportscaster, with a lifetime membership of the NRA, who comes from Alaska. On the plus side, however, she is currently under investigation for allegedly sacking a state public safety commissioner who refused to dismiss  a state trooper who was involved in a messy divorce with her younger sister, despite her anti-corruption stance, and her unmarried 17 year-old daughter has just 'fallen' pregnant. Couldn't happen to a nicer guy!


Today's Haiku Fim Review:


The Story of 'O' (1975) -


Once upon a time

S & M was popular

Amongst the gentry.

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