The Cerne Abbas Giant in Dorset is in need of re-chalking. The 180ft fertility symbol has become obscured by moss and vegetation after an exceptionally wet summer, worsened by a lack of grazing by sheep. Conservationists are on the lookout for volunteers to help put the chalk back in his pencil and restore the colossus to his former morning glory.
Also in the news today, an American dancer called Abdur-Rahim Jackson was stopped twice by security personnel at an Israeli airport and told to perform his dance routines. He claims he was singled out because of his Muslim name and described the whole experience as embarrassing. As a result, he is said to be considering changing his name - Sheik Yabouti is definitely out, but perhaps Menachem Beguine or Shimmy Peres might be more applicable. If you have any better suggestions please post them here.
Today's Haiku Film Review:
Now, Voyager (1942) -
'Why reach for the stars',
Says Bette, whilst smoking a fag,
'When we have the moon?'